Wednesday, 2 July 2014

The girl at sight

She is a girl with mind and a mind with thoughts. Her journey was tiring but nothing made her fall apart. Her eyes held the mesmerizing magic into them. Her invisible wings made her fly every now and then. For him she was something different, a language of poetry, for her life was her solitary. Walking near the bank of river she didn't knew where she was going. All that she knew was to keep moving. Her beliefs showed her way through the dessert and her spirit lit up to let her see the way.

He knew she was a magic, something out of the world. he wanted to feel her, to touch her and to kiss her but.. he was scared of her breathtaking dreams and journey within. he wanted to hold her hand and know her inside out but way was darker.. paths were gloomy, it was too late to stop her. He gazed at her till his sight allowed him to watch. It seemed to him as if, she was a lady with powers and a weather with storm.