Sunday, 29 March 2015

The hollowness in VOGUE

Ever since Vogue has produced and uploaded their newly launched video featuring DEEPIKA PADUKONE, the Facebook walls are tinted with the link and appreciation. She is being praised on every social networking site and that's the new tend! This video highlights the fact that women are supposed to choose the way they want to spend their lives and that is exactly what the name of this video suggests - MY CHOICE.

Click here to view the video 

Being a supporter of feminism, I highly brace the point that this video is attempting to make and there are no two ways about it. However, just when I tried to flip the coin I encountered how biased this video is. Now let me clear that I am not an orthodox India neither I am an anti-feminist. Surely, may be feminism for me is different from what feminism is for you but that is not the point here. The matter that I am attempting to highlight is simple - are we going to accept the same "my choice" thing if a male puts forth for himself or for an entire male community? he video further says that - "I will decide whether to have sex before marriage, after marriage, outside marriage, or have no sex at all" - while I hear these words, it strikes that a person having sex outside his or her marriage is termed as the one who cheats. So again , I raise the question, are we going to accept the same thing if a male does to his female partner? Now when you say "women empowerment" - are we talking about empowering women and making them equals or are we talking about making a world full of - ME AND MY CHOICE?. Are we comfortable if someone does "ME AND MY CHOICE" to us? Are we promoting empowerment so that a woman can stand equal or are we promoting empowerment so that a woman can go miles and miles ahead absolutely crushing the male counterpart?

I totally agree that a woman has her rights on her body, her clothes, her thoughts, her opinions, her paths, the way she wants to look, the way she wants to behave. But on the similar note, if we are seeking for equality then what kind of equality is this where our male counterparts aren't allowed to have the same set of "MY CHOICE' theory. I agree, that no woman in no country should be forced to do a particular thing, act or have a particular belief but at the same time, are'nt we all women are focusing on just one thing and that is - To make world full of OUR CHOICE. What about your partners? your family? Definitely nobody should dominate us in no era of the entire universe but then, aren't we dominating them with our choices??? 

I found the video greatly done especially the poetry and graphics however, I also found that the video was not asking for equality but a world full of ME, MY AND MINE. We are promoting a society where coexistence of male and female is peaceful and equal or we wish to promote a society which is the other way round and favourable only to women?

P.S. ---- The views are extremely personal and have no intention of hurting anyone or changing anyone's belief. You are free to believe wha you want after all it is a democratic country.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree...
    Its not about only empowering women bt it is about "let them do what they want to do without any kind of ordeals"
